Server Information Ranks / Staff Guide Estimated reading: 3 minutes 230 views Player Ranks Player Ranks are assigned by Non-AFK Playtime Traveller Travellers are players who have just entered these lands. They are checking out the community and deciding whether or not to settle down and make themselves a living Peasant Peasants are players looking to make a foothold. These players have basic permissions. Citizen Citizens are players who have spent several days exploring the great expanses of Terra Nova. These players have spent the time and made themselves a decent foothold within our community. These players gain the ability to use NPCs as Shopkeepers Ancient Ancients are players who have spent an extended period of time and shown loyalty to our kingdom. They are now able to use /hat Nobility Roles These Roles are Invite Only. They have Shown exceptional dedication and loyalty to our community. However these are NOT staff positions. Noble Exceptional members who have contributed significantly to the server’s growth. They are trusted to give items lore. Council of Elders Advisory board, could be composed of long-standing Ancients, Nobles, or retired staff who offer advice on server governance but don’t have active responsibilities Staff Roles Players who have shown dedication to the server in helping other players and in play time, May apply to become one of our exalted staff members. Staff must abide by all of the same rules as all of the other players, and are held to higher standards against our rules. Staff roles do not follow a standard hierarchy and a player may move straight to a role better suited to them instead of being required to climb a chain of hierarchy. Squire Junior mods or helpers who assist new players and higher-ranking staff. Craftsman In charge of designing and implementing special projects, builds, or server elements. Knight Moderators responsible for upholding the server’s rules and maintaining order. Ministerial Roles These Staff members fill specialized roles. They each control their own aspects of the server working underneath the Lords, To improve the server for the players Minister of Infrastructure Responsible for maintaining and upgrading server public buildings and structures. Minister of Culture Responsible for planning server-wide events, festivals, and cultural activities. Minister of Exterior In charge of outreach, alliances with other servers, and public relations. Minister of Lore Leads the Bardic Council, crafting and preserving the server’s rich lore and stories. Minister of High Alchemy In charge of managing game mechanics, plugins, and other game-related configurations. Minister of Economy In charge of managing the economy, Works with Lords in monitoring and controlling the Shopping District Lords Owner(s) of the server, These exceptional people work together to bring you this wonderful experience. They rule these lands and have final say on all matters.